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Revisions for Industria italiana: salute e ambiente

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Revision Operations
21 February, 2013 - 13:12 by Marco Milano
This is the published revision.
15 October, 2012 - 20:28 by Marco Milano
15 October, 2012 - 17:57 by Marco Milano
15 October, 2012 - 17:56 by Marco Milano
15 October, 2012 - 17:52 by Marco Milano
15 October, 2012 - 16:16 by Marco Milano
15 October, 2012 - 16:16 by Marco Milano
15 October, 2012 - 16:13 by Marco Milano
14 October, 2012 - 17:09 by Marco Milano

prossimo articolo

"We did not do a good job in explaining how flexible biology can be," interview with Frans de Waal

Frans de Waal

Eva Benelli and Anna Romano interview Fran de Waal about his latest book, Different. Gender issues seen through the eyes of a primatologist.

Photo of Catherine Marin

After reviewing Different. Gender issues seen through the eyes of a primatologist, we wanted to have a chat with the author, the primatologist Frans de Waal, to find out what motivated him to deal with gender issues and to get his opinion on research in this and other fields of ethology. Here is our interview.