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Growing plants in space

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The Bioregenerative Life Support System Simulator, BLiSS Sim, is based on investigations conducted by NASA scientists and engineers to explore how plants can be grown to provide air, water, and food for astronauts at a lunar base.


The BLiSS Sim was created by the NASA-sponsored Classroom of the Future through funding from NASA. The Classroom of the Future is the space agency's principal research and development center for educational technologies. It opened in 1990 on the campus of Wheeling Jesuit University in 1990, and the program is managed by the Erma Ora Byrd Center for Educational Technologies, which develops cutting-edge educational technology and performs advanced research.


The idea of BLiSS Sim is to encourage educators, plant scientists, and all those using the app to share comments and follow ongoing developments related to this project.

More informations about the NASA-sponsored Classroom of the Future development of the BLiSS app on the COTF Presentation Collaborative. New developments are discussed related to BLiSS on the NASATalk blog.


Furthermore NASA and the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) have start the NASA Engineering Design Challenge: Lunar Plant Growth Chamber. Elementary, middle and high school students design, can build and evaluate lunar plant growth chambers, while engaging in research, and standards-based learning experiences.

Previews of the app:





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In the image: detail from *The Creation of Adam* by Michelangelo. Credits: Wikimedia Commons. License: public domain

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