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December 2014

The first Italian platform for smart cities

At the beginning of 2015, the first Italian smart-cities platform will be online. It was presented as a preview at the Smart cities Exhibition held in Bologna at the end of October, and it has been realized by Observatory Smart City of ANCI. It collects more than 1000 projects of smart cities in Italy and we will be able to navigate it from the beginning of 2015.

Birth rate and R&D expenditure

Read time: 1 min
Fact checking
Intervallo dati: 
1 January, 2012 to 31 December, 2012
Inizio serie dati: 
1 January, 2012
Fine serie dati: 
31 December, 2012

Angelo Panebianco in un articolo pubblicato sul Corriere della sera ipotizza una correlazione tra denatalità e calo degli investimenti in ricerca. Confrontando i dati riferiti al 2012 questa correlazione non sembra esistere.

Birth rate and R&D expenditure

An editorialist of Corriere della Sera - Angelo Panebianco - in this article explains the low propensity to invest assuming a correlation with the low birth rate in Europe and especially in Italy: low birth rate is a sign of a tired continent. However analyzing data OECD and the World Bank in 2012 seems not be correlated. In part because countries with higher birth rates are also the poorest and therefore generally do not have money to be allocated to public spending .

Informazioni per gli editor

AMS Prize to Bottazzini: "History of mathematics is modern"

Another international scientific award that speaks Italian. Umberto Bottazzini, Full Professor at the University of Milan and Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, was recently awarded the 2015 Whiteman Prize "For His many works in the history of mathematics, notably on the rise of modern mathematics in Italy and on analysis in the 19th and early 20th centuries."

Waste is past: the situation in Europe

The 6th edition of the European week for waste reduction closed on November 30, but promotions and actions have still to go on, since the Commission needs to boost recycling in the Member States. During the week 22-30 November, around 12.000 initiatives across 28 countries have been proposed, aiming to foster the implementation of awareness and raising actions about sustainable resource and waste management all around Europe and beyond its borders. Why is important to reduce waste? Not recycled residues are an environment's

Air pollution: a cost for health

With the beginning of 2015, some new rules for cars emissions will come forwards in Europe: vehicles will have not to emit more than an average of 130 grams of CO2 per kilometer and, by 2021, the target will be further reduced at 95 grams. In fact, road transport contributes to about one-fifth of the European's total emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. And transport is the only major sector in the Europe where greenhouse gas emissions are still rising. Europe is still far from achieving its objectives about levels of air quality, in order to reduce