fbpx February 2014 | Science in the net

February 2014

INFN goes overseas

Between 5 and 6th February, INFN met the delegations from the American Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) in order to establish a new scientific cooperation among Italy and USA. We talked about this meeting with Antonio Masiero, the INFN Deputy Director. “The collaboration between these two countries is excellent,” says Masiero, “and at the moment it involves four research projects, which are the topics we have discussed two weeks ago in Washington.”

Influenza activity

Read time: 1 min
Flu 2014
Intervallo dati: 
30 October, 2013 to 16 February, 2014

Data from The EuroFlu bulletin, that describes and comments on influenza activity in the 53 Member States in the WHO European Region


Sentinel swabs (% pos.): number of sentinels swabs tested for influenza and percentage that tested positive for influenza A or B.

Informazioni per gli editor

Space. The final frontier is closer... to Europe

Space, the final frontier. The first series of Star Trek started in 1966, following the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk and his crew on board of the space ship Enterprise. Today, after almost 50 years, this frontier is closer to Europe. In fact, as reported by the Eurobarometer 403 survey, the majority of Europeans thinks the space sector is a source of growth and a contributor to scientific progress.

Italian Life in Quantum

I am researcher at the Physics Department of the University La Sapienza of Rome. With the present contribution, I would like to witness on how a young researcher can carry out scientific and technological forefront research in Italy by exploiting both Italian and European opportunities.

Semantic phylogenesis of H3N2 viruses

A deep understanding of the relation between genetic mutations and immune system response of the attacked organism is vital for the development of effective vaccinations for specific variations of the influenza virus.

The formulation of a theory that associates immunological response to phylogenetic evolution of the virus stands on the definition of a genetic distance – calculated between aminoacid sequences – able to quantify antigenic diversity among the corresponding pathogens.

Science-Society: Fondazione Cariplo joins RRI Tools project


The project RRI Tools has been launched in Brussels, a three year long project funded under the European Commission (EC) Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013) to foster Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Europe with a view to a harmonious and efficient relationship between science and European society.

Read time: 2 mins

Which future for ICT?

Presently, the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector represents 4.8% of the EU economy. According to the forecasts, the investments in this field will increase by about 25% under Horizon 2020 compared to FP7. This year, for instance, more than 1 billion Euro will be available. Research and development (R&D) in ICT technologies can produce concrete benefits for the citizens.

CIVIS project: cities as drivers of social change

The University of Trento is leading the CIVIS project, with the aim of raising awareness on energy saving through the active participation of the community. CIVIS has received a grant of 2.9 million Euros for three years under the call "ICT-Smartcities" of the 7th European Framework Programme. The aim of the project is to reduce CO2 emissions by focusing on citizen empowerment and the involvement of non-economical values such as collaboration and sharing, in order to communicate with the traditional