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January 2013

Could the sun be good for your heart?

Ted Conference
Titolo originale: 
Richard Weller: Could the sun be good for your heart?
Richard Weller suggests that sunlight may confer other benefits beyond Vitamin D
28 January, 2013

Our bodies get Vitamin D from the sun, but as dermatologist Richard Weller suggests, sunlight may confer another surprising benefit too. New research by his team shows that nitric oxide, a chemical transmitter stored in huge reserves in the skin, can be released by UV light, to great benefit for blood pressure and the cardiovascular system. What does it mean? Well, it might begin to explain why Scots get sick more than Australians ...

Dermatologist Richard Weller wants to know: Why are Scots so sick?

Informazioni per gli editor
Read time: 1 min

Evaluation of 2009 infection rate


A large team of researchers from the World Health Organization (WHO) and many other institutions performed a new analysis of serologic studies from 19 countries in order to estimate the infection rate of the 2009 H1N1 influenza during the first year of the pandemic. The study, published in Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, showed that about 24% of the population were infected with the H1N1 virus during the first wave of the pandemic.

Read time: 1 min

Flu scientists will resume their research


One year ago, a group of influenza scientists decided to take a break from their experiments, in order to clearly explain the benefits of their important research and the measures taken to minimize its possible risks. This decision came after the intense debate over the publication on Nature and Science of two papers on the generation of H5N1 avian influenza viruses that are transmissible in mammals.

Read time: 1 min

Let's build a future for Italian research

The theme of scientific research has been totally neglected in the election campaign, which has paid no more than lip service to this issue. Italian scientific research needs a better future, made up of strategic investments, planning, transparency and merit-based incentives. Most of all, Italy needs a productive and competitive scientific research in order to put an end to the decline to which it is heading in the wake of the current severe economic and financial crisis. Our country needs new jobs and an economy that

Flu emergency


New York citizens are on the hunt for a pharmacy in order to get the last provisions of flu vaccines after the Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a public health emergency throughout the New York State. With more than 19,000 influenza cases – they were 4404 last year – the Big Apple is facing the worst flu season since at least 2009. As a consequences of Cuomo’s decision, pharmacists can now give the flu shot to patients

Read time: 1 min

How a Virus Changes the World

Titolo originale: 
Contagion: How a Virus Changes the World
The consequences of an infectious virus creating havoc in the human population
14 January, 2013

"Contagion" the film from Warner Bros and Participant Media, explores the consequences of an infectious virus creating havoc in the human population. But, how do viruses affect humans, and what causes worldwide pandemics?
If you'd like to get the answers and learn more about how to stay prepared, see: takepart.com

Creative: Denizen
Production: Foundation

Informazioni per gli editor
Read time: 1 min

An economic game to improve disease


Researchers in economy and computer science at Wake Forest University used an online computer game to simulate the spread of an infectious disease, in order to understand why less than half of the American population has gotten a vaccination against flu, in spite of the severe outbreaks reported this season.

Read time: 1 min

Forecasting epidemic: GLEAM


By combining epidemiology and informatics, it is possible to assess scenarios and predict epidemic evolutions, thus allowing policy makers and health institutions to better manage health emergencies. This is the core concept of GLEAM, an online informatics tool that simulates the unfolding of epidemics across the world.

Read time: 1 min