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Financial supporters

"Scienza in rete" is a non profit entity for the promotion of science, being part of the 2003 Group

Project partners
Intesa Sanpaolo

Other supporters
Lombardy Region


Help lascienzainrete.it grow. With your help we can improve the quality of our activities and offer new services. If you want you can participate in specific projects that are still in the pipeline: go to current projects .

To date, you can send your contributions:

  • by bank transfer: payable to "Gruppo 2003 - Subscriptions Scienzainrete"- UniCredit Banca SpA, Milan Branch Corso Italia, 27 - 20122, IBAN IT 67 S 02008 01602 0001 0068 7835, Swift: UNCRITB1202 (required for transfers from abroad) Please specify in your transfer instructions if you do not wish to appear in the list of lascienzainrete.it contributors
  • by credit card or to our Paypal account by clicking on the button below. This form of payment is secured by Paypal.