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Revisions for Harnessing social networks in public health communication

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17 April, 2014 - 10:26 by Michele Bellone
This is the published revision.
22 October, 2013 - 14:36 by Michele Bellone

prossimo articolo

COP28: It's Up to the Oil Tycoon to Say Goodbye to Fossils

Source: UNFCCC.

It had to be an oil tycoon to say goodbye to fossils, like the smoker extinguishing his last cigarette and the alcoholic giving up the Negroni. And so it was: for the first time at a United Nations climate change Conference of the Parties, we declare in black and white our desire to abandon coal, gas, and oil. COP28 was held in Dubai, one of the countries most dependent on fossil fuels, and was coordinated by the extremely capable Sultan al-Jaber, president of the largest oil company, ADNOC.