fbpx March 2015 | Science in the net

March 2015

The epistemic consequences of bibliometrics-based evaluation

Until a few years ago, most Italian scientists had hardly heard of things like the impact factor of a journal or the h-index of a researcher; nowadays these seem to be their everyday concern. What are they about? They are some of the parameters introduced with the aim of quantitatively assessing the outcome of scientific research, giving rise to a new discipline called scientometrics, and in particular bibliometrics for what concerns the scientific publications.

Intimate partner violence against migrant women

In the European Region, one in four women has been a victim of physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner in her lifetime, and one in ten has experienced non-partner violence. Violence between partners is endemic and widespread, but for immigrant women it is even worse, especially because of the conditions in which they often live in the host country.